

A company specializing in automation technology that combines deep learning and image processing technologies



netMeter is a device that allows you to manage subscribers’ network quality at a reasonable price. It can be updated OTA (Over-the-air) to add more features, such as TWAMP measurement based on SDM (Software Defined Measurement), as well as basic features like Internet Speed Test (TCP Throughput Test) and Pay TV streaming quality measurement. Field technicians can carry it around conveniently because of its small size. Also, you can control it remotely, and save time traveling unnecessarily for on-the-job measurements.

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Internet Speed Test (TCP Throughput Test)
  • compatible with either NEXTLab’s server solution (NEXTLab Hermes) or legacy server solution that the client has been using previously
  • Upload/Download Bandwidth
  • Ping, Loss
Streaming Quality Measurement
  • MPEG2-TS Stream Analysis
  • IGMP Join/Leave Delay
  • Receiving Bandwidth
  • Jitter, Delay
  • RTP Error(Loss, Reorder, Duplicate)
  • ETSI TR 101 290 1st Priority
Other Features supported by SDM(Software Defined Measurement) Function
  • Ping, Traceroute
  • 24/7 Monitoring
Streaming Quality Measurement
Internet Speed Test



Both ‘Probe’ and ‘Relay Server License,’ which are used by field technicians to control probes, are required in order to use a netMeter.
Thousands of probes can be reliably connected to the relay server and synchronized with our client’s speed measurement server or channel list management server. Furthermore, you can also integrate netMeter into your work process by linking it with service opening management, user account verification system, etc.

Essential 1G

TCP Throughput Measurement
up to 1Gbps


Essential 10G

TCP Throughput Measurement
up to 10Gbps



Use Cases

Service SLA Measurement for Field Engineers
Internet Speed Measurement

Measure internet speed on-site and ensure that it is above the agreed service level.

Aid your field technicians’ work when they visit subscribers’ homes, whether they are installing the internet or doing maintenance work.

  • Assure your customers after installing the internet by showing them the internet speed in numbers.
  • Avoid paying the government fine because of internet service lower than the SLA(service level agreement).
  • Keep your reputation high by ensuring maintenance work quality and saving revisiting costs.
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STB Testing by Field Engineers
Real-time Set-top Box Performance Measurement

Check the performance of set-top boxes on site.

Run tests to verify head end connection and measure channel quality right on the spot.

  • Reassure your subscribers by measuring channel quality and showing the results right after installation or maintenance work.
  • Find the cause of errors and identify whether the issue occurred in the STB or the network.
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Portable Probe for Root Cause Analysis
Portable Probe for Root Cause Analysis

Install devices at each local base to monitor network service quality 24/7.

View data from measurement tests run by each regional service center. You can also compare the measurement frequency from each service center by region.

  • Manage network service monitoring data on a national scale.
  • Provide customer service based on regional characteristics.
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Video clips

Introducing netMeter
Provide a great method for your field engineers to verify their work on-site.

Measure internet speed and IPTV streaming quality and manage the measurement data. You can also ensure that the completed on-site work is above the service level agreement. Contact us for your own hand-held device today.

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