

A company specializing in automation technology that combines deep learning and image processing technologies

Service SLA Measurement for Field Engineers

A tiny and acceptable priced, but powerful device for supporting all of ISPs’ SLA measurements.



Save Revisiting Cost

NEXTLab’s product reduces defective work rate and guarantees service quality above SLA for field engineers. Thus, they will be able to check network quality when they install it in subscribers’ homes for the first time and won’t have to visit them again.

Prevent Compliance Issue

Clients can secure subscriber service quality above that of customer-based SLA, which means reducing risk of compensating subscribers for network quality lower than their expectations. Meeting SLA standards also lets clients comply to government regulations, preemptively handling the risk of being penalized and fined.

Conceptual Chart



SLA Measurement

Our product measures key criteria of SLA, including internet speed, ping, and VOD streaming bandwidth.

Easy to Use

Measurement process is very easy to learn and use right on-site. With just one click, SLA verification is complete.

SLA Measurement Network Tools
  • Internet Speed Measurement : UP/DOWN, Ping/Loss
  • MPEG2-TS : MDI, ETSI TR 101 290, Bandwidth
  • STB’s VoD Streaming Bandwidth
  • Ping, Traceroute to Appointed Targets
  • Querying DHCP Information
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